Prezzo regolare $22.95 AUD

 Addensante per stampi alimentari è una polvere addensante unica progettata specificamente per l'uso nell'applicazione di alimenti con struttura modificata per modellatura e, a differenza di molti altri addensanti, è stabile al calore, al congelamento e allo scongelamento. Queste sono proprietà essenziali per garantire stampi alimentari di successo. 

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Key Features

Food Mold Thickener is a 100% natural, modified maize starch designed specifically for use with puree food molding.

Why use Food Mold Thickener

Quick - stops thickening after just one minute and retains its consistency.

Safe - food thickened with Food Mold Thickener helps provide the individual with better control when swallowing, helping to prevent choking and aspiration. 

Appealing -adding Food Mold Thickener to puréed food gives it a safe and uniform consistency as well as allowing it to be molded to create a more visually appealing meal.

Neutral Taste - so does not alter the flavour of food and liquid 

Heat Freeze & Thaw Stable - allowing pureed food to be prepared in bulk and frozen whilst still retaining its consistency and shape when reheated.

Versatile - powder blends in smoothly, quickly and easily to hot or cold food and liquid.

Nutritive - fortifies food with additional energy.

Scheda dati
  • Weight: 500g, 1kg